At The Palm Farm
A coloured photograph I took during one of Tashkeel"s Photo walks last year (ICBA Experimental Farm, Soil Museum, & Halophytic Kitchen Lab). On a very bright afternoon. It seemed much more dramatic in black & white. I decided to screen print it, on canvas, add writing by scratching it, as if emanating from the scene with the beam of daylight. To wear out on a wide page.
The writing describes the series of photographs I took during photo walks:
This Is Not a Mirage
And I walked upon my shadow in the desert, where the sun is high and bright, colours shine, concentrate and blaze, images reflect, redouble, and repeat on the surface of water, to settle in the eye of memory, unforgettable. Then, dissolve gradually until it all fades and vanishes, to empty the place for another captivating view to contemplate.
I shelter standing in the shade of a cloud, or the shadow of a tree, the roughness of a wall, the salt of earth, inside a seashell. Or the softness of sand, flower petals and bird’s feathers.
I disappear, in the deep dark of night and depth of the gulf.
To appear again.
هذا ليسَ سَراباً
ومشيتُ على ظلي في الصحراء، حيثُ ترتفعُ وتسطعُ الشمس فتبرق الألوان: تتركز وتتوقد او تنعكس وتتضاعف الصور متكررة على سطح الماء، لتستقر في عين الذاكرة، غيرُ منسية. ثم تتلاشى رويداً رويدا حتى تبهت وتختفي... ليخلو المكان لمنظر آسر آخر نتأمله.
وقفتُ استظلُ في فيِء سحابة، او ظلال شجرة، او خشونة جدار، ملوحة التربة، داخل محارة، او نعومة الرمال، وبتلات الزهور وريش الطيور.
اختفي في ظلام الليلِ الدامس وعمقِ الخليج.
لأنجلي مرةً أخرى.